

Volvo BM Bv 202 and Hägglunds Bv 206

Welcome to a homepage about Volvo BM Bv 202 and Hägglund Bv 206
My intention is to collect and spread information and knowledge about these vehicles. I myself have several Bv 202 and have, so far, only experience of these. Because of that most information will be about Bv 202 in the beginning. I have been very impressed of the roughness and the high quality and most of all, the nearly increadable off-road capabilities. With a good driver almost impossible to get stuck. For Bv 202 there is also a good supply of cheep spareparts. It is also easy to put other engines and gearboxes in, i.e. diesel and automatic transmission. Chassies from Bv202 can also be used for building special vehicles. Several vehicles for handling reed have been build from these chassies. See picture above. More info about these vehicles

See Buy and Sell for Volvo 303, 3304, Pinzgauers, Unimogs for sale.

I will also have material about Studebaker M29 and other tracked vehicles when I find someting interesting. There will also be ads for other off-road vehicles.

This homepage is under constuction. Translation to English of other parts of this homepage is under work. Need help with that to get a good language. Also need help for translation to german.
I am thankful for all help and information. Contact me, Bo-Göran Knutes, phone +(46)8-6400749, or email: knutes@telia.com.

©2002 Bo-Göran Knutes